
11/09/2020 The COMPASS to MS Care - Reaching Rural America



The COMPASS to MS Care - Reaching Rural America


Date:    November 9, 2020

Time:    5:15PM PT /  6:15PM MT /  7:15PM CT /  8:15PM ET

Location:  Webinar

Featured SpeakerJong-Mi Lee, NP / Brian Hutchinson, PT


Jong-Mi Lee, NP - Lead Advanced Practice Provider at Stanford Multiple Sclerosis Center, Palo Alto CA


▪ Brief discussion on the different types of MS?

▪ A discussion on the use of complementary therapies & wellness in MS

▪ How to access the care and specialists you may need to address all aspects of living with MS

▪ If there are limited resources in your community, how to access today's online and direct community means.

▪ COVID-19 / MS Updates – Stats and discussion of the registry

▪ A 35 minute discussion followed by a 30 minute Q&A THEN:


Brian Hutchinson, PT, MSCS - Director of the MS Achievement Center at Dignity Health- Sacramento CA


- Looking at the benefits of physical therapy and movement in Multiple Sclerosis

- Aspects of cognitive stimulation

- Importance of stretching and strengthening along with socialization to support wellness

- Movements and exercises that can help remain active.

A 35-minute presentation followed by a 20 minute Q&A


Click HERE to Register




