Taopatch: Nanotechnology + Acupuncture for Health & Wellness
Date: November 26, 2020
Time: 11:00AM PT / 12:00PM MT / 1:00PM CT / 2:00PM ET
Location: Teleconference / Webinar / Zoom
About this Event
Learn how Taopatch uses nanotechnology to combine light therapy with acupuncture to help:
People with multiple sclerosis relieve their symptoms and improve their mobility
Athletes improve performance and recovery
Everyone improve their emotional balance, relieve pain, stress & anxiety, boost their immune system and improve overall wellbeing
During this webinar, we'll cover the history of Taopatch, the science behind it, how it works, and answer any questions you might have.
Add this Zoom link to your calendar on Thursday: https://zoom.us/j/98032317448