Since I was diagnosed with MS in 2011, I have met many people in the MS Community. Some are negative, but most are positive. I’ve met new friends and gained new acquaintances.
As you proceed in your MS journey and expand your network, you will meet many people. Some will be from support groups and some will be people you meet on your own.
One thing you have to remember is YOU are your OWN PERSON. You know your body. You make your decisions about your health. And more importantly, you make your decisions about your Life.
I recently received a new position which will help my advocacy work with MS. I only trusted one person to tell before I got the final confirmation that the position is mine. Once it was confirmed that I have the position, then I told a second person.
Unfortunately, this second person was not as supportive or happy as I thought. Instead, she said it would be too much for me. I got a sermon about how she used to work 40 hours and 16 units at school. She had a difficult time.
This person couldn't see past herself. She didn’t see the big picture. Most importantly, she didn’t see that it’s My Life.
It’s so easy for other MS people to tell you what to do, what medicine to take, how to live your life, etc. They’ve forgotten the #1 rule in MS - - - “Each person is different.”
You will be surrounded by people and inundated with information. It’s up to you to sift through everything. Take only what applies to you and discard the rest.
A lot of the people you meet have had MS longer than you. Do not assume that they know everything. Do not allow anyone to control you. Any health decisions you make are between you and your doctor. Any activity or lifestyle you choose is your decision alone.
If anyone crosses the line of MS-friendship into Control, do no be afraid to disconnect. Do not tolerate this kind of behavior from a "Friend". No one can control you if you don’t let them.
The world is full of good people. For every Control Freak that you disconnect from, you will gain many more positive, trustworthy friends.
Stay True to Yourself.