
1/12/2016 Webinar: Your Mind Can Benefit from Muscle Activation, Too: The Relationship Between Exercise and Cognition



The Mind Can Benefit from Muscle Activation, Too: The Relationship Between Exercise and Cognition

Date:    Tuesday, January 12, 2016

Time:     8:00PM EST

Duration:     1 hour 15 minutes

Host:     Brian Thompson

Meeting Description:

A benefit of exercise that you may not have considered is strengthening your mind, more specifically, your cognition.

Cognition, as described by the National Multiple Sclerosis Society, is “a range of high-level brain functions, including the ability to learn and remember information; organize, plan and problem-solve; focus, maintain and shift attention as necessary; understand and use language; accurately perceive the environment; and perform calculations.”  Exercise can involve aerobic activities such as riding a bike, flexibility activities such as yoga, strengthening activities such as lifting weights, or balance training at a Tai Chi class. 

Learn how the relationship between these two concepts can help your MS management at our upcoming webinar, “The Mind is A Muscle, Too,” in collaboration with the National MS Society.   Robert Motl, psychologist, and Mandy Rohrig, physical therapist, will lead an interactive investigation of how and what types of exercises can improve common cognitive challenges. 

We welcome you to have a conversation with us to learn how to exercise the most magnificent muscle of all: our minds!

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